
Experience the power of the 5 Leadership Voices. Join Certified GiANT Worldwide Consultant Shawn Collins for a workshop series on healthy culture and leadership development.

What is XCore?

XCore is designed to help good leaders become great leaders by helping individuals become fully aware of what it is like to be on the other side of themselves and adjust. Each person will be in a core group of 6-8 other professionals all desiring to grow to the next level. XCore utilizes GiANT’s self-awareness process of understanding your personality to the highest degree, while implementing tools to help strengthen your EQ and become more effective in areas such as communication, time management, influence and execution.

There are 6 half day forums in the XCore experience along with a monthly 1.5 hour core group. You will have a GiANT Certified Guide leading your core group.

Liberation as a Lifestyle
Forum #1
Discovering Your Leadership Voice
Forum #2
Mastering Effective Communication
Forum #3
Maximizing Influence
Forum #4
Becoming Present & Productive
Forum #5
Personal Alignment
Forum #6


Program Details

Facilitated by:

Facilitated by:

Shawn Collins

Certified GiANT Worldwide Consultant & Founder of EXTEND GROUP

12 Month program

Here’s what is included:

  • 6x – 3hr Workshop
  • 6x – 1hr Core Group

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Powered by GiANT

This program is developed by GiANT Worldwide, a global company dedicated to leadership transformation and empowerment. GiANT’s people development is scalable and built for everyone, not just CEOs and executives. They empower all people to be intentional in all their relationships, both professional and personal.


XCore with Shawn Collins is designed for individuals and groups. If you are interested in bringing this training to your organization, contact Shawn Collins to get started.

Not sure this is a fit?

Check out our other upcoming Workshops:

5 Voices System

Experience the power of the 5 Leadership Voices and liberate yourself and others by knowing how to unlock the full potential of each voice.


Altitude Training

Learn to use proven leadership tools being used all over the world to transform people and teams, and become your best leader.


Intensive logo

Learn to understand yourself better and become more effective at everything you do by unpacking different aspects of your leadership.


Toolkit Sessions

Discover the simple visual tools that will give your organization compelling and common language for growth right at your fingertips.