Getting Shared:  Are You Social

Getting Shared: Are You Social

Creating good, shareable content can give you great exposure to put you and your county website on the map. There is an art to creating content that people are compelled to follow & share. Incorporate these tips into the next news article or post you write and...
Does Your Community Know Who You Are?

Does Your Community Know Who You Are?

By using social media in conjunction with your website, the potential reach to your community of voters and county connections is huge. As personal computers, laptops, tablets, and smart phones soak up time that was historically spent watching television,...
Build Your Community Brand

Build Your Community Brand

Branding is just as important for a sheriff and county as it is for businesses today. Sheriffs, too, must devote a fair amount of time, attention, and resources to building a brand their community will not only respond to, but also trust. The trick, for a sheriff’s office, is figuring out where to begin. That’s where EXTEND GROUP can help.

Crisis Communication Tips for Social Media

Crisis Communication Tips for Social Media

There was a time when crisis communication meant firing off a few press releases and holding a couple of press conferences. The landscape has changed, though, and businesses today have a much broader spectrum of communication devices that allow them to reach...