Aug 28, 2019 | Amazon, Blog, Content Marketing, eCommerce, Photography
Your products gain their reputation by performing beyond expectations once they arrive in your customer’s hands. However, first you need to get that person to click on the Add to Cart button. Your product images are crucial in snaring a shopper’s attention...
Jan 13, 2016 | Blog, Content Marketing, Photography, Social Media, Strategy, Video
Humans respond to visual stimuli; we’re hardwired that way. Marketers have long relied on our penchant for interesting things to look at, and they’ve even used it to arrange textual content. Visual content—infographics, videos, images, and slides—is not new to...
Feb 7, 2014 | Blog, Content Marketing, Photography, Video
The creation of media-rich content is becoming essential for companies to remain competitive. Content marketing has become exceptionally important, but content itself is drifting towards a more dynamic, graphic, and media-rich format. Content marketing is the art of...