Jun 3, 2014 | Blog, Branding, Content Marketing, eCommerce, Mobile Apps, SEO, Website Design
Brand building has traditionally occurred using newspaper, magazine and television marketing plans. However, as the internet is quickly moving these three information mediums toward the realm of the obsolete. Cutting-edge and resourceful industry mastheads are...
May 22, 2014 | Blog, Content Marketing, SEO
Web page content originally existed as nothing more than “bells and whistles”–flashing titles, spinning gifs and other attention-getters irrelevant to providing useful information to visitors. As internet users began relying on search engines to find...
Feb 13, 2014 | Blog, Content Marketing, SEO, Strategy
We get it: SEO is complicated and the rules shift (almost literally) day by day. After all, Google uses more than 200 unique algorithms to determine search results, and they’re tweaking their formulas all the time. Here at the EXTEND GROUP, our job is to keep...